We all want to get the most out of our advertising even when it comes to social media. One of the best ways to do this is by using split testing.
Using split tests is the best way to see what audiences get the best results, it also makes sure you have the budget on the ad that works best for you.
I always recommend you do split testing when doing an advertising campaign on Facebook.
Below I show you how easy it is to do this with Facebook Advertising.
Use Power Editor
First off you need to be using Power Editor, it is an awesome tool that Facebook offers that allows you to drill down more on your targeting and also provides better reporting for your advertising and allows you to edit your ads.
You can split an audience in Power Editor and test how your ad performs when you target specific ages or genders.
When you split an audience, you can choose whether to split your budget between any new ad sets or duplicate your budgets instead. You can split an audience as many times as you like. So go Crazy! Well, I actually would recommend usually doing three different audiences to start with.
After you split an audience, Power Editor creates a copy of the ad set. This ad set includes all of the same settings as the original (the budget, the ads, and the audience targeting details), except that you can edit the age and gender of the audience.
How to split an audience in Power Editor:
1. Go to Power Editor.
2. Click Ad Sets.
3. Click the arrow icon next to and select Split Audiences.
4. On the Split Audience page, you’ll see the original ad set that you chose to split. Click Add an ad set to create a duplicate ad set where you can edit the age and gender of the audience for the ad set. You can create as many ad sets here as you need to.
5. Click Create Ad Sets to finish creating the new ad sets in Power Editor.
6. Make any further adjustments to the ad sets that you want, such as updating the budget.
7. Click Review Changes to save your work.
It’s that easy. And worth giving it a go if you haven’t already. Test what works and doesn’t work for your brand.
Have you done split testing before, does it work for your business?
If not go give it a go with your next campaign, let us know how you went.